VHF Marine Radio Licence
A marine radio is an important piece of equipment on a yacht, it enables you to communicate with other vessels, seek assistance and advice and listen to weather broadcasts and the like. Most important in an emergency you may call for help, or relay information to authorities in the event of a mishap.
To use a VHF radio you need a licence, simple – it is a legal requirement. At Liquid Edge Sailing School we combine home study (you can do this online) and a short practical class using a VHF radio and an exam.
This will qualify you for the Short Range Operator Certificate of Proficiency (SROCP) required for VHF radios.
Class and exam takes about 3 hours. Your completed exam and paperwork is sent to the Office of Maritime Communications for marking and if successful the issuing of the SROCP Licence.
Further explanation:
The Office of Maritime Communications at the Australian Maritime College is responsible for the management associated with marine radio examinations and certification in Australia.
This includes the management of the invigilator network across Australia, production of the Marine Radio Operators Handbook, examination papers and licence for:
SROCP – Short Range Operator Certificate of Proficiency (VHF Radio).
The AMC is also responsible for reissuing certificates to holders who have lost or damaged certificates of proficiency.
- if you have a VHF radio on your boat it is a legal requirement for you to have a VHF License to operate it
- The SROCP covers VHF radios.
- The Marine Radio Exam is conducted under OMC guidelines.
Please note, you will need a passport size photo with you to attach to your exam sheet, which will be witnessed by the invigilator.
On signing up we will send you links to the online resources and the on line book for you to study.